@phusis wrote, about the distributed multi-sub approach: "... not drawing on the potential benefit of high-passing the mains (from ~80Hz or so on up to make the most of it."
The distributed multi-sub approach has nothing to do with whether or not the mains are highpassed. Those are two separate decisions. I’m probably the one who caused the confusion because I’m a distributed multi-sub advocate but not an advocate of automatically high-passing the mains in every situation. I think it depends on the specifics.
"...it’s not my intention to bash the multiple sub approach, which I know can sound great, but for some to ease up a bit on this being the only proper way to implement subs in your home setup."
The distributed multi-sub approach apparently works well in many situations, but is not the only approach that works well, and in some situations it would not be the approach I'd choose. It depends on the specific situation.