dunlavy bass/ room loading question

I owned 4A's for years and found that treating the floor was a big factor in improving bass response. The best setup was in a room with berber carpet, bass was ok, then I placed a thick area rug on top of the carpet and you wouldn't believe the improvement. Couldn't have been happier with that setup. Ive since moved and have replaced the 4's with the Aletha's which have the downfiring woofers. Does this change everything? The midbass is certainly tuneful and sometimes the sub-bass goes very low but that "kick you in the chest" bass just isn't happening. I have a wood floor and I have the rug on it, but it only covers about half of the floor area. Do I even need to treat the floor with this speaker design? I will need some other treatment on the walls and corners, there is an echo in the room but im not sure if this is affecting the bass. Anyway, just thought I would get some feedback from people with experience. BTW room is 14x19 Speakers ARE on the long wall 12' apart and I sit 10' back. Thanks
I'd bet your problem has less to do with the floor surface than the fact that you have your speakers too close to the wall behind them (an assumption based on your stated dimensions and listening distance). The listening position could also be responsible for the bass problems as well. As an experiment try moving your speakers out a bit further, closer together, and/or move your chair out from the wall, and see what happens to your bass.

While I doubt that the flooor surface is making the difference you are hearing you can easily check this out by simply slipping a piece of plywood under each speaker to simulate a hardwood floor and see if you can hear a difference. Bass waves propagate differently than higher frequencies, but give it a try. If nothing else it will satisfy you that this is not the problem.

FWIW I'm aware of Dunlavy's set up theories regarding his speakers, however, if you can, think outside his box and try setting them up on the short wall using something like the Cardas System, or the Cara program on Rives' site, for a guide as to where to first locate your speakers and listening seat. This would just be a starting point - you adjust from there. You might be surprised AND like the results.

Oh, have you actually taken SPL readings in your room to determine room nodes and nulls, etc. I've found it really helpful to use an SPL meter and a test disc with 1/3 octave pink noise in determining where the best locations were for bass performance and or determining where there were room problems which could, or could not, be solved.

Good luck in solving your issues..........