Dunlavy out of buisness?

I just heard by a salesman that Dunlavy had/was going out of buisness. Anyone heard anything about this?
I had a pair of SC-IV/A and loved them. I ended up moving so I had to sell my system. Some of the best speakers to my ears. I was looking at a pair of SC-V but now that the company is changing hands/out of business I have to look elsewhere.
Anybody (other than rcprince) consider the fact that JD is probably in his late 70s or even early 80s and might want to slow down a bit? Running a company is a lot of work.

Ack - gee, did anyone really like his speakers??? Read the press reviews, read the positive comments on this site and others. Not everyone has the same preferences as do you. I, for one, don't listen to my speakers by sticking my ears to the side but, hey - go for it!
You are right. JD has to be getting up in age. Hopefully Dunlavy was just sold and is not going under. Great speakers in my opinion.
Dunlavy is NOT going out of business.

The company has been sold and John will be retained as a consultant. They will be at CES this year but in with everyone else as opposed to being by themselves in a separate building.

I was told their web site was being re-done in line with the new owners request
Their Web site has always been poor, ditto their marketing in general, not to mention the industrial design of their speakers. If re-worked, all of these these things could really refresh the brand.