Dunlavy SC4 Speakers

Does anyone know what the value of a used set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers would be? These are the original SC4's early run I believe. The reason for the question is that I have a line on a set and I'm willing to pay fair market value which often is determined by a speakers popularity and not actual worth. I'm trying to determine a base line price with the seller without out getting into these are the best speakers ever made and that makes them worth a million bucks!

"I certainly never meant the IVs didn't sound excellent especially considering the price. What I tried to communicate was that the IVAs were a definite improvement but at a significant price premium."

Please rest easy when I say I did not construe your comments as condescending, negative or uncalled for in any sense whatsoever. I understood perfectly what you were trying to communicate, and I agree with you 100%.
When I said I guess I'll have to settle for the IVs, I did so with tongue in cheek !
RJA, how do you like the bass on the Dunlavy 1VA compared to the Dunlavy 1V speakers?