DVD-Audio media, thoughts? worth the cost of the media?

So I know that DVD-A is basically a "dead" media already but I am still interested in giving it a shot possibly.
Started looking at various titles and it seems that anything half decent is at least $50 and up to $200!
Anybody here has first hand experience with this media? Used it, abused it etc.
Would prefer to hear from people who have given it a try or are using DVD-A before I shell out some serious coin!
For example am I likely to hear a significant difference between a DVD-A and a SACD?
I think my system is revealing enough to tell ( I HOPE!)
Thank you in advance
I have a few DVD-A discs and a few older universal players to play them. It is not worth the price you would pay for sure. A lot of releases were simply 24bit/48Khz.  Why not just invest in high resolution downloads instead?  You could actually create dvd-a discs on your laptop from the downloads using appropriate software.  I used to do that a while back but then I just moved on to flac files stored on a HDD.  
As for sound quality compared to sacd, it all depends on the original master and the remastering.  IMHO, no point starting now, you are late to the dvd-audio party by a decade or so given that we have blu-ray audio and much higher resolution DSD downloads.  

That's about what I figured but always been curious.
Guess I will stick with my Blusound full of ripped flac files and Tidal for now.
Maybe the bluray audio has promise?
I was hoping somebody would think it had some redeeming features, after all if we just want to view media on a technical basis then vinyl should have been dead and buried decades ago.
But obviously it is not because of its other virtues, perceived or otherwise.
Thought there may have been a good reason people are asking so much money for DVD-A media!