DVD player Denon 3800 or ????

My old Denon DVD player died and am looking for a new/used one in the $500 to $1000 range. I have narrowed my search down to the the DENON 3800 but am concerned about problems with the early models. I have seen quite a few of them on e-bay that are b-stock or rebuild unit. Are these units safe? What is Denon's repair record like?
Are there other units I should look at? I kind of wanted a player that did DVD audio.
My system is as follows:
Sony Wega 36" XBR 200 tv
EAD Pro 8000 processor (with 5.1 analog inputs)
Sony AX777es CD/sacd
Ayre V1 amp for the front
Two Ayre V3's for the rear and center
Threshold 500e amp fo the two subs
Speakers are all Northcreek Rythems and Leviathian subs.
Cables are all Cardas Golden reference or Golden Cross.
Thanks Mark
Arcam has a new player that will retail for 999 available in early October. Great picture.
Theo, I have been told by many that the video is not as good on the 2900 as it is on the 3800 and I don't need sacd playback as I have the sony ax777es for that,which sound a lot better that any combo player I have heard. I am most interested in video performance and good DVD audio. That is why I am interested in the 3800. I was looking at the Pioneer 47AI but the DVD audio isn't very good I have been told.
Thanks Mark
At 1000 buy the NEW DVD2900 from Denon actually I saw one listed here at 750.00 they aslo have a DVD2200 at about 600
and they play all discs.