I set it up as bitstream, no pcm downsampling, my rotel reads to 192K , no compression, this was not a DTS movie, but when I was still thinkin I could fix it, I turned it off to be safe, Samsung never heard of it (ofcourse) and I am screwed because I bought it at SEARS so they service all their own sales, how can I be so unlucky to get 2 players doin the same thing, it seems to me and I should triple verify this, that when it is output through Multi channel bypass it doesnt do this...all the same it should work fine for Digital right? Thanks for the headsup on SACD, but I did know that, but I always post the little stupid things when I try to help too! I just dunno, after 2 units and 3 diffrent variations up hookups, and looking at the same 2 pages that Samsung so graciously printed for audio options and trouble shooting I am frustrated thanks all keep ideas commin who knows maybe I am doin something wrong....part of me wish I was atleast it would be working!