dynamic classical which isn't boring?

help someone please recommend some dynamic classical which isn't boring? I don't like waiting 5 minutes between dynamic events either does anything have dynamics like constantly through the entire piece? Thanks
I'd like to second Sugarbrie's recs, Berlioz symphonie fantastique and Stravinsky's firebird, both dynamic and beautiful works.
Carl Orff, Carmina Burana
Alan Hovaness, Mysterious Mountain, final movement
Bohuslav Martinu, Symphony # 1
And ditto Pragmatist above!
Boring? I'd look at using iso/absorb stuff or better rez components to assure musical interest rather than bombast.
For example a euance platform will "tighten up" a cheap CDP so well that you'll be on the edge of your seat THROUGHOUT the Zander Starinski Sacre de Printemps on Pickwick (Jordan Hall live, 1990). Still my favorite disc. The reprise last year wasn't as good (but the same guy yelled his now-famous "gasp" at the end!).
Check out Sibelius Lemminkinnen Suites, the 4 Legends. If you find that "boring"..????