Dynamic speakers for OTL amps

Dear audiophiles,

I have a fairly large room (50m2), and plan to use a mid size (2x140 watts) OTL tube amp. I may be downgrading from a bigger system - depending on the results.

My question concerns what could be the best choice of dynamic speakers with this type of room and OTL amp, given a taste for dynamic music, e g rock music, that really fills the room (at 90-95 db but not headbanging levels). I am especially interested in speakers with single drivers or low sonic losses due to crossovers. With OTL, why not get rid of the crossover too, - "straight wire with gain" philosophy.

On my desktop, a small OTL amp running active single-driver speakers sounds superior (Audiotailor Jade OTL + Sony SRS-ZX1 active speakers). It is surprisingly easy to register. I can turn up the OTL part of the gain, and the sound becomes pure. Turn up the active speaker s-s amps, and it remains "stereo". However, this is different from a large living room requirement.

Therefore your advice is welcome. Are there single-drive or very-little-crossover type of speakers, that could be a match? Or other speakers, regardless of design, that would work well, in this kind of context?
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
Audiokinesis showed a 2-way speaker at RMAF last year call the Stratoprism that may well suit the bill. It was moderately priced and very easy to drive- with that kind of power and the efficiency of the Stratoprism you would have no worries in a room of that size. The speaker was very fast, detailed, cohesive, relaxed, imaged very well and had a nice extended bottom octave with plenty of impact.

For a bit more outlay Classic Audio Loudspeakers makes two models, the T-3 and T-1 that are both very easy to drive and have excellent bass extension.

Also easy to drive are the Wilsons, with the possible exception of the Sasha, which IME is not power hungry but may present impedance issues, which is solved by using a set of ZEROs (although the setup I heard was sans ZEROs, others have felt that the Sashas did benefit from them). The WP series doesn't need any such assistance.

Any of the ZUs will be effortless with a 140 watt OTL! Most 'full range' single-driver speakers will be as well any horn system.

Merlins are very popular with OTLs and are easy enough to drive with that kind of power that you should do well.

Quad ESL63s would not do badly in a room that size either.

There are many others as well, but the larger room is the consideration here.

Thanks a lot, and yes, I hope I am in for a treat! Obviously there are many variables, and doing away with x-overs may not be realistic in practice. The advice concerning a smooth impedance curve and bass excess/voicing is relevant, as are the models suggested by Atmasphere. Ideally I would try them all, since system/room matching is quite unpredictable. Realistically I will start using two Aurum Cantus 8 ohm monitors (with or without a DD18 sub), and work my way from there. I probably won't be able to resist connecting the OTLs to my big Dynaudio Consequences, although I can say beforehand that it won't be optimal. But - you never know, in this hobby, which is part of the fun.
Much has happened since this thread in 2011 - but briefly, for me, this is the situation. I followed my OTL interest, buying Atma-sphere MA-1s and then upgrading to v 3.2, and invested in Audiokinesis Dream Maker speakers, and lately also LCS effect speakers. I have not looked back. Beautiful music, no listener strain.