
Responses from o_holter

Judging speakers to purchase.
soix - something the speakers are actively doing, vs effortless performance - good point, I agree. When my system sounds good, I don't think it is "doing" a lot, I just get into the music. Trouble  is, there is a huge middle zone. Music is quite g... 
Preamp suggestions for Atma-Sphere Class D Monoblocks
@srama thanks! «Gravitating towards subjectively great sounding gear « - same here. But realism also. Clear as mud ; - ) I hope the amps will be a great match with your Totem speakers. I have Atma-Sphere tube monoblocs, and am very happy with th... 
Half-Speed Masters - are they worth double dipping?
I need to recheck my half speed LPs, like CBS mastersound Pink floyd: Wish you were here and Joe Jackson Night and day (mofi). My comments are in the "yes, but..." direction. A mixed bunch. On the other hand, I have generally been very satisfied w... 
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
Audioengine A5+ is one of the better non expensive active speakers that I own. They now sound quite well integrated (drivers / amp), but needed much time to break in, at first I did not like them. They are also well designed, benefitting from a bi... 
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
@phusis - my experiments have been very simple. No special filtering or DSP. Mainly with desktop or small monitors. I just unplug the speaker without the amp from the speaker with the amp. This is a speaker-level connection. Then I plug the speake... 
Why all or most audiophiles are men?
@roxy54 - "nonsense"? I don’t think so. Look at the treatment of artists like Joni Mitchell. It is not so long ago that there was a division between "artists" - and then, a step below - "female artists". After having written almost exclusively abo... 
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
Erik and others - maybe you have a comment. I have not tried top of the line active speakers. Only mid level and below. But my experience is this: take the 'passive' speaker from a pair of active speakers. Instead of the output from the amp in th... 
Why all or most audiophiles are men?
Hi Pindac - thanks for a good description. For some of us. But what about a more 'economical' explanation? Women are absent in audiophile circles not because they perform worse than the men but because they are downvalued by the men.  
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
My analog chain is top level but the digital is mid level only. In my system, the best sounding DAC so far is the Teac NT-505. No surprise: it sounds better than my little Topping e30ii dac (at almost 10x the price). What IS a surprise, is that bo... 
Your Ultimate Phono Preamp: Which One Would You Choose?
Aesthetix Io is hard to beat, especially the Eclipse version. I was lucky to find a basic version for a fair price used, twenty years ago, and liked it so well that I upgraded to Eclipse and two power supplies. This was costly, but I have no regre... 
Thumper’s Mother
Or - be nice, especially when you are critical. Critical listening is what this forum is about. Most of the good advice I have received over the years has come from members with long-term hands on experience with a component or system arrangement... 
Thumper’s Mother
I join the thumb up crowd, thanks @uncledemp  Behaving is not an attack on free speech. Audiogon, for me and many others, is more than a marketplace. It is a forum, a community. I have got much good advice, and even some friends, over the years.... 
Which has a greater influence on sound quality, the amp or the preamp?
@atmasphere wrote "you hear distortion as tonality" Could you explain? Thanks!  
The Horror
To me, the most interesting thing about systems is that they all sound different. I try to identify the difference, before I make any judgement regarding the overall sound. Recently I listened to the big (and beautiful) Italian floorstanders at my... 
TEAC UD-701 vs NT-505 vs ?
My Teac NT-505 has run trouble-free for four years. It does its job 'just fine', although it doesn't outperform my analog playback chain. Like others, I've found that it sounds very good with (native) DSD files. With DSD the volume is bypassed whi...