Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
I agree, at this level of performance the Dynaudios are not a one trick pony. The C1s will do justice to whatever you throw at them.(fast, transparent, neutral with very good top and bottom end.) Dynaudio is one of many premier and highly regarded speaker manufacturers. They due require an excellent amp capable of outputting clean high-current into a 4 ohm load,(250-500watts). Hopefully, you knew that when you started looking at a $7K speaker. REALLY?
The Signatures do everything very well. After upgrading from the original C1's to the Signatures I found they sound a little clearer from top to bottom. They also play better at lower volumes. I don't think they play as loud as the originals though which for me is fine.

I currently drive my C1 Signatures with an Octave V70SE. Naim XS also pairs up very well with the C1's. The key is good clean current as Tom mentioned. As for pricing the original C1's retailed for 7K with the C1 MKII at 7.5K and Signatures for 8.5K. If considering any of the C1's make sure to get the Stand4 also.
tnx everyone for some guidance...tom i read alot of c1mk1 and aware that they need quality amplifier to give their best...but heard that speaker is not the best solution for rock music (stated form some much experiencer folks out here)
im lisening all kind of music prefering acustical instruments mostly...but sometimes i like to put some heavyer music...so if dyns play rock without any trouble i would be more interested...just to say im not a bass freak...im more music freak heh...and would be dissapointed when here and ther want to push louder or something and hear thin sound or something...and xti16 i must say you have exelent amp...i heard that on some hi fi show was played dyns and octave combo and that played great...but here in croatia we have no octave dealer so i cant experiment with that...im thining on some 300 350 healthy watts in 4 ohm maybe some simaudio ss integrated...when the time comes...dont have money for separates...what music do you listen on dyns and octave at most times...and how much DB loudnes you get with your combo before clipping...
Raindog031 - I've never measured the db from either speaker (C1 MKII or orig C1's). I don't play loud very often. I would say the loudest would be (if we were standing next to each other) we would have to talk pretty loud to each other.

As far as music I like Jazz - soft and classical rock - new age and some hard rock.

If there was any one instrument I would say that sounds scary real it would be an acoustical guitar. Rock sounds great with them but on the other hand if you like a more forward presentation with rock music consider the Special 25 or possibly the Contour S1.4's. That being said as you know the Confidence line was just improved with the MKII/Signatures and the Focus line was just redone also. Dyn just announced the Xeo and I would think the Contour line may have an update coming soon.

As far as the SimAudio be aware it has great control - fantastic tonal qualities - but also very analytical and somewhat sterile sounding to me. Too much detail that makes me want to listen to the equipment and not the music. You may see/hear different. But that's my opinion of Sim.

What are you currently using for an amp? I had a Naim XS w/the external power supply and it was an excellent combination with great synergy. With either the Naim or the Octave I can make the speakers bottom out before either integrated gives out. I personally got the Octave knowing I can swap tubes and change the sound which is less expensive than new electronics. But if I could afford it I would have Burmester.

By the way my C1 Signatures are Mocha AND I was lucky enough to get a pair of the discontinued black/chrome Stand4's. Great looking combination.
speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike

and would be dissapointed when here and ther want to push louder or something and hear thin sound or something.

I don't thing this case ever would happen with dynaudio,the sound is robust and they sound best at louder volume(at least with older version c1)