Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
My previous speakers were Mission/Cyrus 782's. I bought them in 1990 when they first came to the USA. Loved them and still have them but the Dyn's are a world better. Another speaker I seriously considered was the Sonus Faber Creamora auditor M's (a hair more laid back sounding). To compare I took my 782's to the dealers. Then I found Dynaudio. Took me less than 10 seconds to decide those were my next speakers. That was the first time the minute I heard something I had to have it. My Octave Integrated was the other only after an in-home demo.

I have a Rel B3 which I had before I even before heard of Dynaudio, and I still use it. Do I need it? Not really. I have disconnected on several occasions and forgot it was off until I would play something with the lowest of octaves. I only have a few cd's with real low bass. That being said I will also say the sub adds to the soundstage by making it sound a little fuller.

As far as placement the rear of the speaker is 2 ft from the back wall and 41 inches from the front of the speaker. The main reason is I still have an old Tube TV and I don't want to magnetize it. Also I have about a 5 degree toe-in (virtually straight).

I swapped out the 6550's last night with some Ei KT90's and because they don't have the bass like my other 6550's and KT88's I got them unbelievable loud. With those tubes I do need a sub.

In case you are not aware the only difference between the MKII and signature is the finish and a 10 yr warranty.
...im aware of that...read all kinds of reviews of c1 but i wanted to hear from first hand about sound characteristics of the new model...you keep them little close to the wall but i supose you have the correct sound as i see you are happy overall...and how can you compare cremona m with c1...im also considering sonus fabers...they indeed have seductive sound...but i think they are little colored...im suspicious how sonus manages to play all kinds of music correct...but for the acoustical are maybe best what i heard...and i heard that new SF are less colored than old models but they lost old sound a bit...well new men new sound...
Like I said the SF Auditor M's were my second choice. I would be owning them now if I never heard the C1's. Just a hair more laid back especially in the mids. I also think the highs are much better with the C1's. Two pluses for me and I thought the bass was about the same. In my opinion they (SF) would be great classical/orchestral only speakers. But I listen to all types of music. I'm not a fan of speakers that are real forward. I've never compared the Signatures to the SF auditor 'M's' but I would have to say I would like the Dyn MKII/Signature more because I liked the original C1's over the SF (real close though) and like the Sig's that much better.
Forgot to mention If you like real laid back try listening to Vienna Acoustic concert grand series. In my opinion another one for classical/ orchestral music only. Now I've never heard Totem's - Silverline and Harbeth speakers which are supposed to be somewhat similar to Dyns from what I've read.
tnx for guidance...i heard bout viennas...but i like more neutral speakers...im not limited on one kind of music...sometimes i like more foward sometimes laid back...not allways laidback...but ill stick with dyns i think i will be overall pleased...if i get your story they are right in the middle...with little luck my dealer will have mk2 in a few months so i will audition them and make my final decision...meanwhile i will try to audition some other gear...i will see if subwoofer will be needed...i will take dyn sub 600 if needed...think that would be best for synergy...cheers