I don't know if you asked this question about the C1's because you are curious about the price or looking for new speakers.
After I heard the Caravelles over a number of months five years ago, I sold my B&W Silver Signatures and bought them. The Silver Signatures were $8000.00 when they came out in 1991, so if you're wondering about expensive and really good monitors, here's another. But I sold them and bought the Caravelles, the Caravelles are better in my system.
Here's the 6Moons reviev/preview of the Caravelle speakers:
I don't know if you asked this question about the C1's because you are curious about the price or looking for new speakers.
After I heard the Caravelles over a number of months five years ago, I sold my B&W Silver Signatures and bought them. The Silver Signatures were $8000.00 when they came out in 1991, so if you're wondering about expensive and really good monitors, here's another. But I sold them and bought the Caravelles, the Caravelles are better in my system.
Here's the 6Moons reviev/preview of the Caravelle speakers: