Dynaudio Confidence 20 vrersus Kef reference 1

Any any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks much. Paul.
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the confidence 20 is a horribly expensive wooden box with drivers in 'em. I see nothing that justifies such a high price. Theres a limit to what you can do with a wooden box. Either the quality needs to be vastly improved or the price needs to come down. 

The kef ref 1. Less expensive but still very expensive. 

Again, it comes down to the question of why one speaker is better than another. 

I just posted a thread on that exact topic but nobody here knows the answer. 

Well I think that sometimes a person may feel better about their purchase if it’s more pricey therefore thinking that price equals quality rather than value . Not always right! 
I have heard the Kefs on a number of occasions.  I also own the Confidence 20’s. I prefer the Confidence, better fit and finish along with a fuller sound.  They do not lack any detail compared to the Kefs yet they are simply more natural and enjoyable.

If you have never heard a bookshelf kick and punch like a full range speaker then you need to hear the Dyns.