Dynaudio Confidence C1

Hi, Has anyone heard Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers paired with a Luxman CD player and Luxman integrated amp and if so what were your impressions? I listen mainly to a lot of jazz, vocals and r&b music.
Your response is very much appreciated.
I heard C1 with Luxman ax590 amp and Cd luxman - dont remember model of cd..

Harsh bright sound luxman trhow in to these speakers)
The C1 needs far more power than the Luxman class A can provide to perform what they are capable of. Maybe the class A/B design Luxmans would work for you. When I had my C1's I used a Simaudio Evolution series I-7 integrated. Sounded superb. I have had a couple of Luxmans in the past, class A and classA/B. Although the are finely crafted and full featured amps, I personally found them too thin and forward to my taste.
Can't imagine them sounding harsh. A very musical forgiving speaker.

Yeah - this is not the speaker's trouble.
Thanks everyone. I would never use Class A Luxman. I was thinking of the Luxman 507. I know many people like Simaudio with the C1s -- I heard Sim wih the C1s once and found them to be dry.