@daros71 Sorry, but i think you are bullshi*ting. The Contour 20 have been reviewed by stereophile (https://www.stereophile.com/content/dynaudio-contour-20-loudspeaker) and John Atkison was impressed with the measurements. No flaws were detected, so your claim doesn't make any sense
Dynaudio Contour 30i or Sonus Faber Olympica II
Hello Guys. I'm torn between this two speakers but sadly my dealer doesn't have on stock any on them so demoing is not possible. What is the sound signature of each? Olympica II is a bit pricer at 6k USD while the dyns are 4.5k USD (Both prices are for new). What would be your choice and why?
Showing 2 responses by celestial__sound
@daros71 Sorry, i didn't meant to offend you. I just wanted to say, you can't make a rule from an exception. If new dynaudio series doesn't sound right to you doesn't mean that the speakers have flaw in their design. Dynaudio is exceptional company with rich history and their speakers has been reviewed by many magazines. I had a chance to audition the new contour series and they sounded a bit dark to my taste, but they threw exceptional soundstage with very accurate timber. It's up to OP if he can audition the Dyns and make a decision on his own. |