Dynaudio Evoke 20 vs. Totem Signature One vs. Acoustic Revival Adalante 3

Hello Agon members,

I am getting ready to purchase a new pair of speakers and looking for some advice and first hand experience with a few of my possible choices:

  • Dynaudio Evoke 20 - I listened to this speaker at a store in Bangkok. I really enjoyed it, good dynamics and strong bass. Tone was great, but I felt like there was a little coloration to this speaker, perhaps some box resonance? Overall, very musical.
  • Totem Signature One - I listened to this speaker in a different store. It was a less than ideal environment, but the speaker had many of the same attributes that I liked about the Evoke 20.
  • Acoustic Revival Adalante 3 - Have not heard but will demo next time I am in Bangkok.

I own a Hifi Rose RS520 integrated amp/streamer. My speaker cables are Tellurium Q Black II and the power cord is generic. I am currently using a pair of Vanguard Scout speakers to great effect (especially considering the modest price) until I settle on my next speaker. In the past, I have used Omega Speaker Systems SAM (still own) and did not find this to be a good synergy with the Hifi Rose. I have also auditioned a pair of used Harbeth C7ES and, even though I wanted to love these speakers, there was again poor synergy. So finding a speaker that will play well with the sound signature of the Hifi Rose is important to me.

My room is 16.4 ft. x 19 ft. and my system is against the shorter wall. Speakers will have plenty of room on the sides, but I doubt I will be able to position them more than 2 ft. off the back wall.

My preference is for a warmer sound with a good tone, but I also articulation, dynamics, imaging and soundstage. I generally stay away from bright and forward sounding equipment. Music is mostly centered around rock and indie, with some country, bluegrass, folk, hip hop, reggae, etc. thrown into the mix.

I will listen to all 3 speakers again before I purchase, but demos are much different than actually living with a speaker. Therefore, if you have spent some time with any of these speakers, please share your thoughts.

Thanks in advance - Billy



I am a huge believer in FRITZ speakers. Have had the Carbon 7SE version for 2 years now complimented with a SVS SB3000 in a smaller room, Just Rock and Roll. Very dynamic and accurate, not harsh at ALL. Would not trade it, period!!! 

  I also believe he offers a 30 day trial period. Mine took a while to break in, Nirvana!

Robert TN  Ps they are driven by a Top notch DAC and very Strong Solid State ATI 6002 AMP   my 2 cents

Here is a very recent youtube video comparing 11 monitor speakers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV_Fm_TUro4  Many fine comments about the EPOS ES-7N which are in the 2K USD price point. Some well known brands did not fare as well - you might be surprised at the results. It was a well done video.


Thanks for the suggestion. I have just the normal domestic room treatments of drapes, plants and carpet. Eventually I will be  looking for some diffusors or absorption panels that are WAF friendly. 


Thanks for the recommendations. That MoFi speaker has always interested me, I have a fan of point source drivers.


Thanks for the input and I'm glad to hear you are liking the Dynaudio sound signature.  Any reason for moving on from the Adalante 3?


I find the Omega SAM speakers picking about amplification. Louis disagrees. I most enjoyed the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL 10 MK2 tube amp that I mainly used with those speakers (regret selling of course). I have also had good luck with vintage Marantz gear. Other amps such as the HiFi Rose don't bring any of the musical qualities out of these speakers. They sounded good in the near field, but music lost it's flow for background listening and oddly, considering that they are high efficient speakers, were a hard drive for the RS520.

The Harbeths were quite detailed, easy to drive, dynamic and very balanced sounding from woofer to tweeter, but they just made the music bright sounding. Mid range just didn't have the meat I am used to and sounded lighter in both timbre and pitch. 


Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have owned tube amps in the past, and like many people, love the sound, hate the maintenance. It is why I moved from an LTA ZOTL 10 tube amp to the HiFi Rose. Next amp purchase might possibly be Naim or Moonriver.