Dynaudio Focus 140 vs Totem Model 1 Signature

Looking for a comparison of the dynamic capabilities of these two speakers. I've heard the Totems and was impressed by their dynamic snap (as well as their bass and soundstaging). The Dynaudios are quite similar to my understanding (same bass driver) but a bit smoother on top and easier to drive--a possible benefit since I'll be using an NAD C325BEE, at least in the short-term. If the Dynaudios are as dynamic, I'm wondering if they might be my better choice. Also, does anyone know if either plays better at low volumes?

Thanks in advance!
Thanks, Rumadian--I was leaning that way myself, except for not having heard them. I may take the leap all the same.
As a Dynaudio dealer I'll chime in and hopefully clarify a statement you've made that is incorrect "Dynaudios are quite similar to my understanding (same bass driver)". In no way are these the same drivers. In some cases Totem uses a driver made by Hi-Vi out of China that is a look-a-like to the Dynaudio drivers. Now, the Totems do sound nice and I'm not dissing them. Just don't want to confuse others suggesting the drivers are the same....they are not.

Dynaudio and NAD really mate quite well together. In Europe you will see the combination a lot because they get distrubuted by the same distributor or buying group.

As for "low volume level" listening. This is where a high current amplifier comes into play. This fits my taste as well, so word of advice....get as much current as you can afford or save up until you can get it. It can make a dramatic impact.
I second Ttowntony. Both of these speakers are a bit much for the 325bee. They will make noise, and it may not be a bad noise. But they will start to sound like real music when used with a high current amp with 100 watts or more per channel.

I listened to the Model ones with the 250W/ch Musical Fidelity A5 integrated and CDP and it was a great match.

Listened to the 140's with a Creek 80W/ch integrated amp and Simaudio CDP and they sounded a little thin. Listened to the same speakers with an Audio Research pre/amp pair with about 130W/ch and they really sang.

As I recall, the Totems imaged a little better, and the Dynaudios had a bigger sound. They are both great speakers.
Appreciate this input, guys. Poking around last night I found an ecoustics forum in which some Dynaudio lovers talked about the need for higher current and explained that it helped low volume listening. It's good to have that confirmed here, and it echoes what I experienced when I had a Marantz and Jolida 100W integrateds in my system.

I think I might leap for the speakers first (assuming I can find a used pair) and upgrade the amp a few months down the road. Any sub-1K used amp suggestions that pair well with the Dyns would be great to file away: if I could keep it closer to 600-700, that might make it easier.

That's interesting to know about the drivers, too! I've seen the Hi-Vi drivers but didn't know Totem used them...

Thanks again!
Throw some extra coin into your amp purchase or wait and save up to get a used Prasound Halo A21. The halo A21 has gobbs of current at 250w/channel and will make your speakers sing. Plus, you won't have to upgrade your amp if decide to move up the Dynaudio line in the future.