Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark


    I  recently Purchased a new pair of Dynaudios. The floor model I auditioned were 'Made in Denmark' but the pair which was shipped out by the dealer was 'Made in China'. They are still boxed. Whats should I do:

1. Swap with the showroom floor model (they were probably a yr or 2 old)

2. Unbox and use my 'Made in china' pair ?

My main concern here is the quality of the product from China. Resale values.

Anyone with experience please chime in. 



The quality has nothing to do with the COO. It has to do with the specifications outlined by in this case Dynaudio and the quality control post production. The Chinese are quite capable of producing world class quality products in 2022. 

I think the new dynaudio’s sound like crap not because the manufacturing but because bad engineering. Cheap wooden box sound. No matters who builds them.

I say this because i owned for two years the old contour 3.3 from 2001 and then the contour 60 from 2018. The contour 3.3 sound fantastic instead the contour 60 are simply awful in every aspect.

It has probably to do with the new management philosophy more as with the manufacturing.

By the way Chinese manufacturing is today often way better as EU manufacturing.




What model please.


I thought all Dynaudio speakers are made or assembled in Denmark. So, some of the models are now assembled in China?

Hello everyone,  its been a crazy few weeks and I think I owe everyone who contributed to this thread an update. 

  Its been quite a journey since my first dynaudio Audience 52 pair.(almost 20 yrs ago). I  wont go into the list of manufacturers that have been part of my rig (too many).  A few months ago I  wandered into a local audio showroom in PA. Listened to a bunch of speaker purchased and exchanged a few as well because I  was just not satisfied with the sound specifically  integration with my dual subs.The dealer was the very best to accommodate my demands. Mind you I was only listening to bookshelves.  I then started to look into floorstanders that went deep low 30hz to high 20hz min. But I  also wanted something with high WAF.

   Long story short I auditioned some Sonus Fabers, Dynaudio contours, JBL, Dali, and Focals at various other dealers that fit my budget. Out of all ,the Dynaudio evoke 50 satisfied me most with it's deep bass and rolled off highs. If a speaker can play Heavy Fuel at say 80db-85db without sounding harsh to me then they made my short list. I love snare as well. AnywaysI exchanged my Dynaudio SP40(one of the many soeakers I exchanged) and ordered the Evoke 50. 

When they did arrive the carton read Made in China. Now since I  really like the pair I heard in the showroom that was Made in Denmark I was not too happy with the situation and hence began this thread to get fellow members input. Your opinions led me to talk to the dealer again. To my surprise the dealer was more than happy to help out. In their defence he did say at the time of purchase that they have been getting Made in China Evoke models of late. But seeing that the floor model was Made in Denmark (MID)  I assumed (wrongly) that the Evoke 50 were still being made in Denmark. 

  When I raised my concern the dealer checked his warehouses and could not locate a MID version.  He had the MIC versions. He then proceeded to call the Dynaudio rep located in IL. After about 30min later he got a call back and the Dynaudio rep said they had only 1 pair that was MID in gloss white. I  decided to take that and 2 weeks later it was at my doorstep.

   The reason for me going with MID model is 2 fold:

I liked the floor model sound and I  wanted the exact same sound signture. Although lets say that MIC could even sound better I did not want to risk it. I previously had the Emit 30 from the same dealer which was MIC and although it sounded nice with regular records but when I  tested it with 30 hz warble tone you could immediately tell that the woofers in both speakers would distort even at 5mm excursion. This leads me to believe that it was a qc speakers since both speakers exhibit the same issue. It was like the center coil was not centered right ,so any excursion would cause it to rub against the center pole core. Just horrible. That put a rear sour taste in my mouth.

Next reason, I  was told that this was probably the last available pair in the model range that was MID within the US. Now Ive seem other reviewers on youtube and they also had the MIC version.Also I expect depreciation to be much lesser than the MIC models. I am pretty sure thats the case  because about 10 yrs ago I sold my MID Dynaudio Audience 52 for more than I paid for. So there you go. Thank you everyone for your inputs and Happy listening