@harold-not-the-barrel actually Tominari-San has mentioned 60 samples of Karat Nova 13D made for US market, but is there any model number on your cartridge? You should know that "13" in the model number is for the 1.3 length of the cantilever. I hope your sample is not re-cantilevered Karat Nova 13D ?
"KARAT" is for gemstone cantilever, never heard about any KARAT with Boron cantilever.
Any chance that your sample is not the original, but a refurbished (re-cantilevered) one ?
When it comes to diamond cantilever for re-tipper it is impossible to find anything like the original short dyna gemstone cantilever. Those special gemstone cantilever were made for dynavector by Namiki.
"KARAT" is for gemstone cantilever, never heard about any KARAT with Boron cantilever.
Any chance that your sample is not the original, but a refurbished (re-cantilevered) one ?
When it comes to diamond cantilever for re-tipper it is impossible to find anything like the original short dyna gemstone cantilever. Those special gemstone cantilever were made for dynavector by Namiki.