Dynavector retiped

Would it be better to buy a new cartridge or make a retiped of it.  I would like to retiped and convert my DV20x2H into DV20x2L
I second PBN's recommendation. I had my 10x5 retipped 6 years ago by Soundsmith. It improved the sound of the cart.  I just upgraded to a used 20x Soundsmith retip, I never have heard the original, but this cart was a huge upgrade to the 10x5 retip.
I would upgrade rather than spend money on retipping that cartridge. 
The 20xl is simply not a great cartridge 
AT150MLX smokes it for half the price. 
@wcfeil   The Dynavector 20X series is a classic, lovely sounding cartridge.  AT?  Come on.🧐
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