Dynavector retiped

Would it be better to buy a new cartridge or make a retiped of it.  I would like to retiped and convert my DV20x2H into DV20x2L
The 20xl is simply not a great cartridge 
AT150MLX smokes it for half the price. 
@wcfeil   The Dynavector 20X series is a classic, lovely sounding cartridge.  AT?  Come on.🧐
The 20X is hardly a classic. It’s basically an entry level component one step above the 5.  

Have you heard the AT? Probably not or you wouldn’t dismiss it so callously. 

I’ve owned both. Believe what you wish after hearing both. 

If you feel the Dynavector is what you enjoy, then the opinions of others don't matter.  

As raul stated, it's not likely that the cartridge can be converted from a "H" high output to a "L" low output without significant changes to the motor itself.  That is probably a task for Dynavector if they would choose to perform that level of repair.  

My opinion....

I recently sent a Lyra Clavis DC to Soundsmith for a new Boron cantilever and line contact stylus.  I had a roughly eight week turnaround on the "rebuild" of the cartridge.  The results and cartridge performance exceeded my expectations.  IMO, the Boron cantilever / line contact stylus combination performed much better than the original ceralloy cantilever / line contact on the Clavis DC.  Better detail, smoother treble, sharper dynamics, better timing.  More musical than the original CDC.

But that's just my opinion of the CDC rebuild using those specific components.  What differences a Soundsmith rebuild of a 20X might impose are hard to tell.  That said, I have not heard anyone complain that a Soundsmith rebuild destroyed the qualities of their cartridge.  I have heard customers claim that Soundsmith rebuilds and / or retips sound as good as new or better than new.  

As always, YRMD, YMMD.
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