Dynavector XV1-S and step-up

Is there a step up that works particularly well with the Dynavector XV1-S cartridge. The arm is a Graham Phantom and the pre-amp is a Shindo Masetto. I have no complaints going straight in to the Masettos MC input, but thought there might be a suitable step up to try out.

Cheers and thanks
If I may, let's move on from the Shindo discussions. For the record, I love my Shindo gear - it's something special. I appreciate the input thus far, but don't want to get off track.

Now, back to the question on SUTs and Dynavector XV1-S...

Right now, I am tempted to try one SUT in particular, but also think that perhaps I'll just leave it alone and buy a ton of new records..:)

Hi Hatari,

Do you tap your feet when you sit and listen to your Masseto? Do you smile?

If so you've made a good choice. I'm jealous of your preamp.

To say that the Shindo is a weak link in your gear is ridiculous.

Dear Mike: Every audio system has its own weak link, maybe I'm wrong but in your opinion which is the Hatari audio system weak link on analog performance?: the Rave, the Phantom, the XV-1s, the Sarastro, the Shindo amplifiers: whic one?.

Could you share your opinion on the subject? and if you can please explain why is " ridiculous " the Masseto weak link in that " environment ".

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Lew: No problem.
About the Koetsu sound signature the Urushi is a little different from the " normal " Koetsu and I'm with you on it.

Regards and enjoy the music,