Dynavector XV1-S and step-up

Is there a step up that works particularly well with the Dynavector XV1-S cartridge. The arm is a Graham Phantom and the pre-amp is a Shindo Masetto. I have no complaints going straight in to the Masettos MC input, but thought there might be a suitable step up to try out.

Cheers and thanks
The Shindo 101- from 1979-ish and it was simply a repackaged Triad HS101. Not a Shindo design but pretty good sounding- I have one sitting here on my shelf. But since when do details and facts matter on a forum. We can just piss on lifetimes worth of hard work in the name of self righteousness. The great news is the writing is here to stay and the foolishness and narrow mindedness shines through for all to see. Long live the transformer.
If I may, let's move on from the Shindo discussions. For the record, I love my Shindo gear - it's something special. I appreciate the input thus far, but don't want to get off track.

Now, back to the question on SUTs and Dynavector XV1-S...

Right now, I am tempted to try one SUT in particular, but also think that perhaps I'll just leave it alone and buy a ton of new records..:)

Hi Hatari,

Do you tap your feet when you sit and listen to your Masseto? Do you smile?

If so you've made a good choice. I'm jealous of your preamp.

To say that the Shindo is a weak link in your gear is ridiculous.

Dear Mike: Every audio system has its own weak link, maybe I'm wrong but in your opinion which is the Hatari audio system weak link on analog performance?: the Rave, the Phantom, the XV-1s, the Sarastro, the Shindo amplifiers: whic one?.

Could you share your opinion on the subject? and if you can please explain why is " ridiculous " the Masseto weak link in that " environment ".

Regards and enjoy the music,