EAR 834P Deluxe with Dynavector 20 HX H output Cart.

I am using the High output MC Cart. and have to use in MM setting on the EAR. Someone at a shop said if I use a Dynavector 20X low output that I would have to turn my volume on my pre-amp too high. It seems low would be the right choice being in MC mode I get distortion with my High Output Cart now? Can anyone help with this situation?


Thanks very much!


High output MC cartridges should be used with the MM setting on the EAR or any other phono preamp!

I have the 834p and the Dynavector 20x2 L (low output).  Ended up selling a $4k solid state phono pre during covid time and never looked back.  

I did enough research to understand that for best results I needed an external SUT and keep the 834p in MM mode all the time.  

I bought the Ned Clayton Moving Coil Phono Step Up Transformer with Cinemag 1254 4 Ratios 1:10 - 1:40 MC SUT on ebay.  Works great.  The Cinemag transformers  well reviewed and this SUT was about 1/3 of the price of (I forgot the name) the other one I was looking at.  

Hi, thanks for all the responses I talked with Mitch Singerman who is authorized service repair for EAR and said I might be better off to continue using HO Cart. in MM mode to bypass using the coils and have less circuits to go through and more direct sound.

That is good advice, IF the HO version of the cartridge is as good as or better than the LO version.  Unfortunately, this is usually NOT the case.  Usually the LO version of an MC cartridge that is available with high or low output, is superior.  Then it becomes a matter of personal preference whether one likes that LO version into a SUT for added voltage gain, vs the HO version directly into the MM stage. Unfortunately, no one here can tell you which set up you would prefer.  But I would take advice from those who own the same phono stage and either the LO or the HO version of the same Dynavector cartridge.

I believe that is exactly what I wrote, but good to know that is Mitch’s recommendation.  Btw, Mitch’s 834P mods are fantastic.  I loved what his mods did for the sound of mine when I had it.  Highly recommended!