Responses from romad
ProAc D20R vs Totem Forest Signature I have to buy online no dealers close to me. I would love to hear them both. | |
ProAc D20R vs Totem Forest Signature Thanks for your input I am considering getting the ProAcs not sure if should get the 20 or 30s now. | |
ProAc D20R vs Totem Forest Signature Hi, I have a bigger room but also use a Rel sub that gives me plenty bass so was wondering if the D20R would be as good or better than my current Forest. Thanks for the responses. | |
ProAc D20R vs Totem Forest Signature My friend had the 2.5 with ARC gear and the music was so real I loved those speakers some say they were the best ProAc made. How does your current speaker compare to your 2.5s? Which ProAc is close to the 2.5? Thanks | |
ProAc 2.5 vs New ProAc In 2025 what is your favorite ProAc now? Thanks, Jim | |
Sonos Connect Streamer audio drops out I reset my Sonos and now using 2.4Ghz only on my T-Mobile router and seems to work now. Sonos support told me that T-Mobile routers are incompatible but for now it is working. | |
Sonos Connect Streamer audio drops out I can connect to Sonos, problem is I get audio dropouts because incompatibility with LTE 5 G router from T-Mobile. | |
Sonos Connect Streamer audio drops out T-Mobile uses 5G LTE routers and incompatible with Sonos, according to Sonos tech. and my Sonos Connect. | |
Streamers under $1500 Update 2 - The reason I was looking for a different streamer is because, I was experiencing audio dropouts. I just found out Sonos products do not work with T-Mobile LTE routers. This is why I was experiencing audio dropouts. Only choice now is to... | |
Sonos Connect Streamer audio drops out Update- After many hours with tech support I found out my T-Mobile router is not compatible with Sonos Connect. They said Sonos does not support LTE routers. Apparently this is reason for audio drop outs. When I was with Spectrum I didn't remembe... | |
EAR 834P Deluxe with Dynavector 20 HX H output Cart. Update - Installed the new low output cart. and it works well in MC position, this is a better match for my EAR phone stage. Thanks for all your suggestions! | |
Streamers under $1500 Update - I am using W4S Anniversary DAC I changed some settings and it took my modded W4S Connect streamer to a whole new level. I am happy with this streamer now. EJ says he tweaked the Sonos Port and now sounds really good. I may move to Port d... | |
Streamers under $1500 I am using Tidal for streaming, Sonos has good software that's why I have been using. I hear the new Port from Sonos not as good as my Connect. | |
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice Thanks for all the comments I am leaning towards a 27 or 28SE. The 28SE is still a little pricey for me so have to think about it. | |
Outlet Question Which brand is better Hubbel or Leviton? I need 15 amp. |