"EAR VS Cables"

first of all.i want to thanks all the fellows audiogon on here helping me finish my system..i am pretty much completed everything but cables.after 3 months reasearching about cables on here,and i am still confuse of which cable to buy..i ve tried(borrow) home depot cable Vs $1000 cable,to be honest,i can not tell the difference whatsoever.I am an electrical engineer for 11 years ,and to me there is no theory that support the differences on cables.anyways,is it because i am not at the level that my ear can tell the difference? Am i going to get there one day? the question is..should i spend the money now on cable or stick with the cheap affordable cable?my ears can tell the difference between tube and SS,but fail on cables..when i say cables.i mean inter-connct,power cord, and speakers wire. ..please help.

Hey rlwainwright,

You want literature, grab yourself a copy of F. Scott Fitzgerald's collected short stories and have yourself a big time. But please, keep your mean-spirited remarks to yourself. I'll take 'remedial' writing over smart-xxx remarks anyday.
I tried many different cables in my system from the last 22 years.There is too much of hype and many unsubstantiated claims.
Cables can not improve a bad source. They do change the sound either bright, or soft and can change the dynamics.
I recently evaluated my earlier purchases to see what made a big difference-big bang for the buck-or a purchase at the point of diminishing return for the capital .

1) positioning the speakers.
2)I cleaned my cable TV box audio connectors with De ox-a craig product. Periodical cleaning made a perceivable difference -low cost.
3) AR com DIY speakers cost 330 dollars-more returns forthe dollar spent

4) source.DAC- to CD player perceivable significant difference but 1000$
4)Upgrade to a a hybride tube- amplifier and than a receiver set up big difference.
5) cables--Bolder cables.Perceivable difference for better.There are similar cables of the same formulaat much lesser cost.
Homegrown audio silver Lace cables gave me good returns for the dollar.Stealth cables also gave me good returns. Many other expensive cables I used are slightly better but at a significantly higher cost.
6) CD and DVD treatment auric enhancer or vivid.
7 buying more CDs and DVDs more enjoyment for the dollar spent.
Trthp: Having that you are technically inclined, if you can solder/crimp then make your own cables.

There are many designs available in the Cable Forum @:


Who knows, if you get your imagination going you may start voicing/changing the designs to your own taste and/or come up with a new designs altogether?

If eventually you still cannot hear differences between various decent cables then don't sweat it as long as you can still hear the most important thing which is the music (the gear is just a hobby).
Cables are the Arteries to your components. their job is to pass the signal through as unchanged as possible. the better cables can do this, and will allow you to hear your gear better. what you need to look for in a good cable is Neutrality! don't bother spending good money on high end audio unless your willing to install equal quality cabling to bring out the most of your expensive gear.