Early 1960s McIntosh MC275 Headphone Tap


I have a 1960s McIntosh MC275 Amplifier and a McIntosh MX110 receiver. I'm looking to find a way to include a set of headphones in this system. I'm assuming I need to somehow "tap" into amplifier. Any easy solutions??

Thanks for your help


Amplifier: http://akdatabase.org/AKview/albums/userpics/10004/MC275%20Owners.pdf
Receiver: http://vintagevacuumaudio.com/schematics-manuals/mcintosh/mcintosh-MX110-z-series-owner-manual.pdf

Use the tape output from the MX110 to the input of this headphone amp,


Then just plug in your headphones and adjust volume on the Magni 2.