Earplugs at concerts back in the day

Anybody else smart enough to save their ears back in the 60’s-the 80’s?I’d usually put a pair in, and pulled or pushed them to a depth that allowed me to hear (most) everything. My friends laughed. I didn’t care.
Thank God I did! I’m 67 now and still have perfect hearing. Way up in the highest registers as well (according to my daughter and some app she had me listen to).
Went to a Cloud Cult (amazing band) concert with my daughter a couple years ago. Crammed my earplugs all the way in for that one. Good God it was loud! Actually moved my stomach. My daughter's a shrink, but not smart enough to bring her own pair...
I was a regular earplug wearer but I removed them for exceptional performances and when I needed a change of pace from the muffled, low-fi, AM radio tone they'd subject me with.
There are a number of high-fidelity ear plugs on the market these days that reduce the dB's to safe levels but also apply filtering so you don't get as much of that "muffled" sound like with traditional foam plugs..
I started shoving tissue in my ears 25 years or so ago at concerts.  Then about 20 years ago I had forgot some at a Heart concert at Universal Studios.  Huge mistake not running to the toilet and grabbing some TP and shoving it in.  Huge.  Loudest thing I was ever at.  I always put tissue in after that but the affect/damage had been done that night.  For the last few years I have been using Etymotic ear plugs.  They work fine and after about 20-30 mins of the show I basically don't care that they are in.  