

Responses from jsd52756

How long should high quality speakers last?
Infinity Renaissance 90's are about 30 years old and sound perfect.   Bought maybe the last EMIT tweeters from the mfg around 2000 and never used one.  Bought a spare set of speakers and sold them after 10 years.  In my late 60 's so it'll be a te... 
To which song(s) did you blow your speakers?
ELP Tank!  If your needle doesn't skip on the ending of that song your turntable is set up right.  My SL1210 with a Shelter cartridge plays it perfectly.   Only took 40+ years for me to get it right.  Blown speakers:  Moody Blues, Never Comes the... 
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
A great outdoor daytime concert,1976 or so.  I was two years out of high school. Heart opened for Leonard Skynyrd who opened for Jefferson Airplane/Starship at Santa Barbera College outdoor football field.   1980? or so (brain dead so & so..)... 
New UHQR recordings VS the 8 produced in the early 80's. Are the new releases as good?
Having all 8 of the originals is something special indeed.  I wish I would have purchased more of the MFSL albums back in the day.  I didn't know anything about them until after the fact as usual.  The few I do own I really enjoy.  One of my favor... 
New UHQR recordings VS the 8 produced in the early 80's. Are the new releases as good?
Had to check the serial number on my Supertramp.  #2382.  Still plays very nice after so may times on my turntable.  Got me to re-check an MFSL album I have of Alan Parson's "Tales of Mystery and Imagination."  #17.  That also is a sweet copy.  Bu... 
Krell FPB 700CX
I check my FPB300cx owners manual and sorry but no instructions given except have the mfg. the work.  
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Inna stated, "Replacing a woman with speakers is a very unorthodox maneuver. Orthodox would be replacing a woman with a woman." A very astute statement if I ever heard one.  As much as I like music...  
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover)
Brain Salad Surgery.  My wife bought me a new Bell dirt bike helmet and had it painted with the album artwork & words "Brain Salad Surgery" on the back.  It is soooo fitting for an off-roader.   
Favorite Cover Album
I dig the "Pickin On" albums.  Bluegrass versions of different artists.  Picking on the Rolling Stones, Sheryl Crow & U2 are my favorites.  Great Sunday morning listening over coffee & a danish.  
Krell Moves to new location
Nothing but crickets.  Jonesin' for my amp back.  Tired of listening to the Harmon Kardon mono garage speaker.  Sigh...  
Where are the front men? (Rant)
allenf1963   Thanks for the Riverside recommendation!  I put on the "Out of Myself" album on Tidal and dig it.  I find a lot of super cool bands mentioned on A-Gon.  -John  
What would you save in a fire?
I would like to think I'd toss my Krell amp in the truck.  Problem is I'm in California & it's still on vacation at the Krell plant in Connecticut SINCE APRIL!!!    
Beware, scammers everywhere
If someone sends you money VIA EFT, Wire etc.  You need to wait 48+ hours after the money hits your bank so they cannot call it back.  I had an aerospace company and a customer once sent us $32k VIA EFT in error.  We actually caught it on our end.... 
Favorite scream in rock?
Gotta go with, Supertramp's School.  For someone who is not familiar with the song and you crank it up, it will make you jump in your seat.  -John  
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System
For those that are the shipper & shipping USPS:  The shipping label can be created at home or in the office then taken to your local post office and sat on the counter near the workers helping the public.  Always ask an employee to scan the pa...