Ebay selling my missing amplifier

8 months ago I sent an amplifier to europe for upgrades. The amp went missing and there were investigations that went unresolved. I happened to be searching on ebay and noticed the amp and when I magnified it Bingo the serial number was same. It is an ebay seller store that is listing it. Ebay has not yet responded after several attempts. What next?


I guess I'm the only person to NOT have had a bad experience? I have had a couple of lost items and they were expeditiously paid. I had a pair of speakers I shipped with a $10k value (unbeknownst to me at $5k each). One speaker arrived perfectly, one was demolished. At first they tried to pay off just $5k. I then had my dealer write a letter that the speakers were a pair and matching the veneer and electronics would be expensive. They paid the full claim. I have multiple excellent experiences, others claim to have none. Oh well.

FedEx and UPS don't operate the same way. UPS has its employees handling your package from beginning to end. FedEx contracts with 3rd party companies for local delivery. Those employees are directly responsible to their company, not FedEx. They just show FedEx a paper receipt saying something was delivered, especially in rural areas.

But FedEx has no direct way to interact with the delivery driver to trace your package. If the driver says they delivered it, end of story. You have to deal with the person you sent it to. 

@macg19 -- You’ll get no argument from me about the tender mercies of huge corporations.

My only point is that, when a shipper takes custody of your package, if it disappears anywhere between points A and B, they cannot simply throw up their hands and say "whoops".

If the item is valuable you’re warned to fully insure it or they can settle with you based upon the meager valuations they insure packages for.

If Snook has insured the package, and it went missing before being delivered, they are on the hook for the insured value. I don’t believe for a second that something this valuable will go without the claim being paid. If that is the case, then I believe that key details of the story still remain a mystery. For whatever reason.

BTW Ebay isn't selling your amp, someone with an Ebay account is selling it