Electicity bill down 45 mo-

I noticed my PG E bill dropped $45 a month since selling my Fourier Panthere OTLs, and Sonic Frontiers Power 3s. Just doing my part to keep the power crunch here in California down.
Yeah, but now your home heating costs are going to go up in the cool months! Happy Tunes!
Derrick, kind of convenient that you left out the part about you going to a 12 wpc Technics receiver, isn't it ? Of course it's going to pull less power. Sean

PS... I'm just kidding folks : )
Heck, ours went up $80/month after switching to tubes!
Double wammy: tubes and AC is on much more!
Good thing we had two central AC's installed, so "only" back of the house is on more now.
Funny, soundroom wil be toasty, rest of the house will be freeeeezing!
No space heater benefits in Miami!

God bless you, I will do my part to make sure that reserve energy doesn't go to waste! :-)