Electraglide Epiphany -X VS Shunyata

Hello Friends,
has anyone compared the Electraglide to the Shunyata without getting to technical and in plain english WHICH ONE IS BETTER!!!!!!! WOULD BE USING ON POWER AMP. I listen to jazz, light pop. Thanks for your help again!!!!!!

Showing 2 responses by leonx

Elextraglide is very good, but misses the lowest freq compared to cables as Purist Audio. Compared to a Valhalla it misses resolution. But it is still a very good cable
Try the new Purist Audio Aqueous powercable. I did a lot of investment in cables. Tried many in my system. But this one knocked me down. For poweramps the best I've effer heard. When you are looking for the highest resolution for a pre-amp, source or conditioner try a Nordost Valhalla. Because I will let you hear things no other cable can do.