Electrocompaniet owners

I have owned and enjoyed Electrocompaniet's EMC-1 CD player for the past 2 years. I love the looks, build quality and especially the sound quality. I am considering buying either Electrocompaniet's seperates or one of their integrated amps. Who out there owns their seperates or integrated amps and uses them with EMC-1 CD player?
There isn't the SLIGHTEST question in my mind that their service manager (Vigleif) would send me anything but the correct "UP"grade parts. There's no reason to question his veracity. So it's now up to me to be especially careful to ensure proper installation. Hence I'll hire the head tech at Audio Lab in Cambridge to install these tiny diodes and their new saddled caps. I suppose he could check the diode function and cap "charge curve" (or whatever) beforehand, just in case. I'll try to start a thread to report findings to all (there over 800 views of the original "HELP Electro...." thread), as I do NOT want ECs reputation to be negaitively affected by the reporting of my unfortunate experience. G'night guys...and Judith.
I visited my pro tech today (they're going to sell the PCs I started making last fall! ha.), and derek thinks that replacing the 24 diodes may be a bit tedious as the board photos seem to indicate double-sided boards. So I'll let him do it indeed. The parts consist of 24 tiny identical diodes and three ordinary electrolytics that connect across them. Nothing else on the DAC or analogue board, though, just the power supplies' diodes. Wish I could tell you definitively if I can hear a difference afterward. I'll be back after the mod. Thanks. BTW, the diodes say MUR 120 0247 pk on them. My tech didn't recognize them. Anything exotic? Cheers.
Hi guys. I took a few cleansing breaths and plowed ahead, installing the 27 parts myself. Differences in soundstage "fleshiness" are immediate, and positive. Top octave extension is improved, and a delight!
EC has restated that the US distributor WILL service all EMC-1 EXCEPT those graymarketed into the US. O boy....
My estimate is that there are a bunch (including the dozen or so Danish-sourced units) out there that are the MKII WITHOUT the "UP"grade. If any owners of these would like to have the "UP'grade installed let me know. Maybe I can help.
All other service requests should of course be made at one's local EC dealer. Cheers.