Elipson Planet M: quality; power requirements for desktop use?

Realistically, l probably listen to 90% of my music at my desk, so it's important that my computer speakers sound good. I currently use the (powered) Genelec G Ones, through a Schiit Modi DAC, with an unmatched old subwoofer. I think this sounds fantastic; unfortunately, my desk is also in a public area and it's also important that I have a high WAF system, and the Genelecs fail at this pretty miserably.

I came across the Elipson Planet M's, which I think are the perfect size, and look terrific. But I'm having trouble finding any good reviews; everything I see is from ten years ago and largely talks about surround-sound systems, which is not my interest. (I would want to pair this with the Elipson Planet Sub.) I'm wondering first if anyone has a sense at how these sound esp. for my purpose. And second, I'm not sure how to drive these. Elipson's Planet M page suggests 30–80 watts, at a sensitivity of 88dB into 6 ohms. This seems pretty high to me, for a pair of small speakers that will be less than 3' away from my head; I was hoping to find something that I could drive with, say, a Schiit Gjallarhorn (10W) or something like that—I can't have a gigantic power amp sitting on my desk. (I do, obviously, happen to like Schiit products, for their combination of sound, price, and looks, for the environment I need right now, but I'm not wedded to the company.)

If this is all a terrible idea, I guess I'd want to re-ask in the PC Audio subforum; but overall, I'm not looking for a separate streamer or anything elaborate; this has to be controlled from my desktop, and has to work for anything ranging from playing high-def audio files from an NFS server, to whatever background sounds any random website might want to play. Thanks.


1:If your unwilling to be a guinea pig,& absolutely don’t want traditional looking speakers, look at Orb Audio,Gallo Acoustics,or maybe the Focal Dome,all of which are highly reviewed & well liked in audiophile circles...
2:If you go the route of unpowered speakers then you’ll need to add a desktop amplifier/control center...Most of the available choices are going to be Class D based like maybe the new Creek 4040 or PS Audio Sprout 100...
3:Seems to me a pair of audiophile level,wireless,noise cancelling headphones would be an excellent choice here..Look at Mark Levinson,Focal or Dali...
4:A SUPERB,wired headphone system should also be a viable option in this instance...

The Genelecs aren’t any uglier than the Elipsons, unless you foolishly got the bare metal finish on the Genelecs. 😀 Seems like a lot of work and expense to change to a passive speaker, guessing the extra wiring and clutter will not help with WAF. I would stick with powered. I liked my Audio Engine speakers when I had an office system, but guessing the Genelecs beat those. 

Quoting freediver:

1:If your unwilling to be a guinea pig,& absolutely don’t want traditional looking speakers, look at Orb Audio,Gallo Acoustics,or maybe the Focal Dome,all of which are highly reviewed & well liked in audiophile circles...
2:If you go the route of unpowered speakers then you’ll need to add a desktop amplifier/control center...Most of the available choices are going to be Class D based like maybe the new Creek 4040 or PS Audio Sprout 100...
3:Seems to me a pair of audiophile level,wireless,noise cancelling headphones would be an excellent choice here..Look at Mark Levinson,Focal or Dali...
4:A SUPERB,wired headphone system should also be a viable option in this instance...

Thanks. In reverse order, for your points (3) and (4), I do have various headphones of various types (ranging from daily-beater NC Boses to true audiophile headphones with a big tube headphone amp) that I use in other cases, but these don't obviate my desire to have actual desktop speakers; I still do need these.

For your points (1) and (2), those are interesting suggestions; I hadn't realized there are so many spherical speakers out there! And it does give me more options. Unfortunately these don't solve the problem of how to power them; the Focal Domes are asking for 25W–100W for example (the Gallos don't list a range, even in the owner's manual; the Orbs seem to be able to make to with 20W). 

Both of those amps are interesting, but I already have a DAC and a preamp (though I'm of course not obligated to keep using them, if there's a better integrated solution).

Quoting zlone:

The Genelecs aren’t any uglier than the Elipsons, unless you foolishly got the bare metal finish on the Genelecs. 😀 Seems like a lot of work and expense to change to a passive speaker, guessing the extra wiring and clutter will not help with WAF. I would stick with powered. I liked my Audio Engine speakers when I had an office system, but guessing the Genelecs beat those. 

Well, YMMV of course, but I think the Genelecs are pretty ugly (as are the Audio Engines, which I do have in another room, and like very much, sonically at least). Also I disagree about the extra wiring--I already have a DAC and a preamp, and each Genelec has a power cable and and interconnect, so adding a power amp to the electronics stack and removing a power cable from each speaker strikes me as an improvement or at worst a wash.

Happy to hear more suggestions!