Elrod Signature or Statement

From a listening standpoint is one cable that much better than the other. Comparing standard to signature to statement. Why are the prices so varied?
I've run the gamut with Elrod. Each step up is very dramatic. Now - the Statements (I & II) are scary. The soundstage, width & depth, as well as the tonality, give me the 'LIVE' thing in my listening room. The bass has texture not just a deep thump, there is string resonance on guitars and saxophones have a significant timbre, reed/raspiness.
I've been playing around with Siltech Classic G5 IC's and Pure Note Epsilon's (Valhalla's competitor).
Hope some of this gibberish helped.
Just curios if your results match the ETM review of the statements. He indicated that the statement power cords made the ICs used less critical. Can you hear big differences in the Siltech and Pure Note ICs with the statements in your system?
Statement is better, no doublt about it, but is it worth the money is doubtful. I use it in a Naim CDX 2, the difference is subtle, but used in the preamp, a greater leap in sound quality in terms of clarity, musical pace of rhythm(the long shoot of Elrod among the others) and a bigger sound space.