Elrod Statement & Signature Conditionner?

Anyone have experience used Elrod Statement & Signature for the front end with Conditionner, if yes which conditionner?? or better plug direct to wall outlets.

Thank you.

the Elrod Statement
Hello Razen;
My Elrod Statement II connects Wadia 860x to Audio Magic Eclipse conditioner.
This combination sound much better,then going directly to the wall.

I have 8 Elrod AC cords in my system; 3 – Sig 2s, 2 – Sig3s, 2 – Statements, 1 - Statement 2. I can only say that the more you put into a system, the better the system gets. I have the Statement 2 on the front end. I have them running out of outlets, but running them out of a conditioner would be better, no doubt.

My suggestion is to ask David Elrod what cables he thinks would work best. He’s a straight shooter.

My front end pieces (EMM lab dcc2/cdsd, custom tube crossover) all have Elrod Statement 2s going to a Hydra 8 which has a Statement 1 to a dedicated circuit. IMS, I find that the Elrod signatures (the Statements even more so) give a refineness and add dynamics that I really enjoy. I have tried going straight into the circuit for the front end and heard a noticeable difference to the worse. OTOH, at various times I have used the original Hydra to my amps and the difference ( with or without the conditioner) is less than the front end.


Which CD player do you have. The Elrod Statements on my Wadia was easily the best upgrade I did. The change was addictive.
