Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.

Showing 5 responses by rrsclyde

I have the Takasukis and like them a lot.

I paid for a pair of 'cosmetically challenged' EML 300B XLS tubes directly from Jac Music on Feb 15.--he failed to getting around to shipping the tubes for 11 days after that. He also refused to respond to multiple inquiries from me during this period asking what was going on (his invoice and emails stated tubes would be shipped immediately upon payment). One screw up and excuse after another from Jac; I'm now out the the $ I paid for the tubes plus the cost of shipping regular 300Bs back to him that he sent 'by mistake' and I have no tubes. He promised to send me a pair of non cosmetically challenged 300B XLS tubes at no additional cost if I paid return shipping. Per the shipper the returned tubes have cleared German customs are being held for him because Jac requested his own pickup (Jac claims the tubes haven't cleared customs, so either he or the shipper is not being truthful with me).

The tubes may be great but buyer beware.
I've bought tubes from George at TubesUSA before as well and always
received great service.

I foolishly decided to try and save a few bucks and buy a pair of
'cosmetically challenged' 300B XLS tubes directly from Jac Music; I wasn't
sure re the XLS tubes and so thought I'd dip my toes in the water with the
discounted tubes. Unfortunately, I didn't receive XLS tubes, returned the
regular 300Bs that were shipped to me, but still have no XLS tubes as were

So strongly urge USA buyers to purchase through TubesUSA; I am
confident George will take good care of you.
Matthias (or any others with the knowledge): any insight on how the El Rog 300B works in Audio Note Quest Silver monos? I have the low gain version (6J5 driver rather than 6SN7) but don't know the operating specs (and I'm no expert in these things).

I really like the descriptions I've read of the El Rog's sound, and almost ordered a pair more than once, but was cautious due to the failures I read about over on Head-Fi..


Thanks Matthias; I'll likely give them a try 😀! My speakers are a pretty benign/relatively flat 6 ohm impedance so I'll definitely try the 4 ohm tap.

Have you tried/heard the Elrogs yet? I am anxious to learn your assessment, as I've valued your input re 300B's.

I have a pair of the Takatsuki's (which are just sublime!) and also a pair of SERP's. The SERP's are very good, but for my tastes the Tak's are worth the difference I price!

I have a pair of EML 300BXLS 'stuck' at US Customs in Chicago (it's been over a week now!), so soon (hopefully 😄) I'll be able to compare those as well.

My Manley Neo Classic 300B pre/headphone amp of course uses a pair, and the AN Quest Silvers I have on the way will also run a pair, so I'm seriously considering adding a pair of the Elrog's to my inventory.

