Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Hello, Dracule1, have you solved the issue? What is your impression of the sound?

I am eager to know, since I hope that they don't alter the tube too much for longer use, at the cost of sound. Like I said, I really miss them on my Lampi. :)
Hi Wyan, sorry for the delay. I was listening to my music through the Elrogs. I connected the GG DAC directly to my amp, bypassing my LDR passive preamp. When I did this, there was dramatic improvement in sound. I start hearing all the accolades this tube was known for. The highs were extended, clear, and dynamic. I am hearing fine detail that was absent before. The midrange is much clearer with more emotion. I can hear subtle inflections in voice and instruments that was not apparent before. It is the most transparent tube I have now. The bass now has speed and impact. However, it is not as exended as with the LDR preamp in place. Overall, 90% of the sound was markedly improved. Just goes to show you how impedance mismatch can affect the sound. Interestingly, the Psvane 101D and TJ FM 300B SE sound fine with the LDR preamp. They have none of the issues I experienced with the Elrogs. But I haven't tried them without the LDR preamp yet.
Hi, Dracule1,

I am glad it works out for you. I totally understand your absence. :p

Elrogs produce the lowest sound floor on Lampi compared to other tubes. And thus the details and transparency. Like I said, you don't even have to a/b to hear the difference from 101D. Go out for a long trip, come back and plug in 101D instead and you immediately realize. I don't have golden ears but it was just so obvious.

I really really hope that they will give you a long long period of musical enjoyment.
Thanks Wyan. BTW, what rectifier tube did you use in the Lampi with the Elrogs?
I'm glad that you are able to finally appreciate the excellence of these Elrog tubes.