Elrog 300b vs we300b

I am looking for an upgrade to my elekit tu8600s. Currently have cossor black plates. I use the amp for my hd800s and zmf atticus. I am looking for more transparency, dynamics and a bigger stage. I am interested in a richer tone too so not sure which direction to go. Any thoughts?


Just had a failure of 1 of my 300b psvane on my Frankenstein mk3’s.  Very low hours so disappointed.


now to find a replacement.


sonically would appreciate a comparison of Eml xls vs WE reissue.


also wondering if anyone has heard these?


Steve deckert from decware  saying positive things about them


Thst is disappointing. I have no experience with the new production Western Electric 300b but owner feedback has been very positive. They also have a 5 year warranty which inspires confidence.

I have used the EML XLS in my Frankensteins MK II for about 7 or 8 years by now and they are excellent! Very rugged construction and undeniably reliable. They sound splendid in this amplifier. I believe that you will be very safe with either of these two tubes.


Thank you Charles.  I just contacted Israel and asked him about WE vs EML and he stated the EML XLS are his favourites in the amp .  I think I will go with them.  There is a Canuck audio mart dealer ad for EML. Do you know the company?



Deal done and they are in stock. They should be sent out Monday and should have them by following week at latest


I did not know that Israel felt the same regarding the EML XLS 300b as I have expressed. I’ve had the Takatsuki, VAIC and Elrog (1st generation) in my Frankensteins. All were truly excellent and I could recommend anyone of them.

All factors considered I’ve decided that the EML XLS suits me best with sound quality and outstanding reliability track record/tube longevity. I hope that you enjoy the same degree of success with them as I have.
