EMM labs upgrades for CDSD and DCC2

Has anyone upgraded their wonderful Meitner digital gear to the Special Editions or bought new models. Just wondering if the new models truly offer substantially better sonics, or marginal upgrade.

I would truly appreciate all input.

I've had mine upgraded and back from EMM Labs for almost a month. They've been playing 24/7. Similar to the above posts, the new versions sound more organic and relaxed with better dynamics, transparency, depth and imaging. It's a full spectrum improvement and not a subtle difference. When listening, it's now easier to be pulled into the music and not want to get up. There's a dynamic flow and pace to CDs and SACDs that sounds more natural. I listen to a lot of big band and hear the bite of the brass without any stridency. Drums and bass better penetrate the soundstage like they do in a performance. Vocals are clearer and sound more dimensional - front to back and side to side.

As before, the latest EMM gear benefits from top-notch power cords and good isolation. I recently tried The One power cords by Jena Labs and ended up keeping them. They have a very low noise floor, are neutral and dynamic and match well with the transport and dac.

Last comment: it's refreshing to be with a manufacturer that accomodates upgrades, rather than limit customers to a new purchase. I also think the upgrade cost is quite reasonable, given the improvements in performance.
I have to agree with Fbhifi. After having my DCC-2 upgraded to Sig. it was better top to bottom. SACD was even better than before but what really stood out was the improvement in PCM. They all sound at least a little better but a redbook that is recorded well to begin with is very, very close to SACD.
Post script. I should clarify something. When I said above that a well recorded redbook is close to SACD, I meant a well recorded SACD. I have some SACD's that in my opinion sound like crap.