EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?

Did any one test those machines in the same set up? What was the outcome? Idler-Drive in its best built quality vs. the well rated heavy belts from Japan.

I am very thankful for the good advices on EMTs I received from you.

I am wondering why people have written a lot of nonsense which led to an image that Studio EMTs are non musical machines just being used to transport a quick & dirty signal into the air.

These guys of today do not know anything about the Radio Stations and the Studio Work of the 60ies and 70ies managed by people who loved their work and were addicted to quality.

I am often confronted with the opinion that those vintage studio tables are not designed for home audio users and do provide features which no one needs today. This is nonsense again and I could discuss it in detail. Of course some of the features did support fast access and easy adjustments, the latter maybe a no nonsense invention.

Heiner Jacobi writes in Sound Practices, Issue 16: the 930 sounds similiar to the 927 but with less authority and more speed. It is the question of whether you prefer to drive a top  Mercedes or a top BMW! - A Garrard 301 is a good  Austin Minicooper.

Maybe this funny comparison hits the mark a little.
"A Garrard 301 is a good Austin Minicooper".

Thuchan, you said it right and I do agree with you 100%.
Hi Thuchan,
I`m glad you have `seen the light`.There has always been negative views of vintage gear,mostly from dealers and manufacturers who are trying to push lesser products at higher prices.Vintage?,Ha,not Hi-Fi,too expensive,common comments.You now have hands on experience of an EMT;Have a look at the prices been charged for some `high-end`turntables,and the build qaulity;how much would an EMT927 cost in todays market?,100K,200K,more?
A top example is not cheap,but is still a bargain compared to what is currently available.
As for the phono stage,the 139st is highly sought after and commands high prices on the second hand market,(9K).It and the EMT are designed as a unit,and I have not heard better.But you know my stance.See you in May!
best wishes
Dear Channel10, this hobby is all about learning, experimenting and assessing. If I meet guys addicted to a certain church and looking for new church members I am always suspicious. It might feel well being welcomed in an audio church as it does in a therapeutic group. My target is always keeping independent from the so called gurus or any misguided influence. In reality it is sometimes hard to detect what is going on.

Nevertheless I do count neither you nor Soundlistening as a guru but a well informed (by your own experience) audio enthusiast & expert, maybe also on special fields. The discussions with you - and we do it since three years - was and is a very fruitful one. Having said that I still have to be convinced by my own ears that the 139st will beat some of my separate phono stages. Therefore I am looking forward to the big experiment we will do in May.