Ended my Qobuz subscription

My music tastes largely revolve around jazz recordings and I find a deep lacuna in Qobuz's jazz offerings, as well as with some other music genres.  I just cancelled my Qobuz subscription and am back with Tidal Hifi which has a much deeper jazz catalogue than that from Qoubuz. 
For critical listening I prefer Qobuz.  I like the fact that I can listen to hi-res files and don't need any proprietary equipment (hello MQA) to do so. 

Tidal does have a bigger library and the MQA files do sound good, even with a non MQA DAC (I have both).  If I can't find something on Qobuz, then I'll go look for it on Tidal and can usually find it.

I also have Spotify and Pandora for less critical listening (background music, in the car, etc.)  Spotify does a better job of putting together playlists based on my musical tastes than Tidal and Qobuz doesn't currently have this feature. 

For me it's not a matter of either/or, I use them all based on their strengths. 

If Qobuz's library expands to compete with Spotify and Tidal and they provide custom playlists on par with Spotify's, then I would probably go with Qobuz only.
SQ wise, Qobuz has not competition. I listen classic music most of time. Tidal has good collection of music and lossless /MQA. I have student discount that cut cost in 1/2. I also have sizeable CD and SACD collections. Not enough time to listen all of them.
Regarding Karen Souza, her label is Music Brokers from Argentina, they are distributed internationally by the Orchard, and it is being ingested into Qobuz now. They are uploading 5-10,000 albums to us a day!!
I agree with those who find Tidal’s jazz catalog more extensive. I also agree with those who find Qobuz’s classical catalog better. I listen to both classical and jazz and have chosen Qobuz. They have far more high definition classical recordings and having done A/B tests, I find no difference between a Tidal MQA track and a Qobuz track at the same resolution. Since I have a good jazz collection on my server and find myself streaming more classical, I’m canceling Tidal. 

Whatever floats at your boat. 
Just just a question of time. They are new on the US market and sound wise better than anyone.