Ended my Qobuz subscription

My music tastes largely revolve around jazz recordings and I find a deep lacuna in Qobuz's jazz offerings, as well as with some other music genres.  I just cancelled my Qobuz subscription and am back with Tidal Hifi which has a much deeper jazz catalogue than that from Qoubuz. 
I agree with those who find Tidal’s jazz catalog more extensive. I also agree with those who find Qobuz’s classical catalog better. I listen to both classical and jazz and have chosen Qobuz. They have far more high definition classical recordings and having done A/B tests, I find no difference between a Tidal MQA track and a Qobuz track at the same resolution. Since I have a good jazz collection on my server and find myself streaming more classical, I’m canceling Tidal. 

Whatever floats at your boat. 
Just just a question of time. They are new on the US market and sound wise better than anyone.
I moved from Tidal to Qobuz with big expectations. Then it seemed
every time I found an artist I was interested in, Qobuz had no
rights to the best albums by the artist. Once this situation  became the norm and after tiring of the Non-Support Qobuz offered I dropped it
and sold the Roon Streamer. 
Perhaps in a year or two when more legitimate companies get in
the game I will come back. 
It was more pain than pleasure as it was down more than up and
I was hardwired, dedicated, etc.