Entry level tube amp to try

Sometime this spring I'll be upgrading, and I would like to hear what the "tube" sound is like. I currently have a rotel rb1080/krell krc-3 pre combo which I'm somewhat happy with, but I would like a fuller sound with more body.
I was thinking of getting an anthem amp-1 to try,just to get a feeling of what tubes sound like,but would like some input if this would give me a fair idea of the different type sound you get from tubes. Then when I upgrade, I'll no whether I might want to go tube or s.s.
I don't want to go demo anything at a retail store,because I'll probably buy here. thanks for any help
Try a Cary SL70, upgrade the caps and drop in some older tubes and your still under a Kilobuck
I guess I should of known it wouldn't be that easy. I'm new to this,and just thought I could try an inexpensive amp to see if that's the direction to go.( then resell it and get a better one). What I have now I got at a retail store last Feb.BEFORE I found this site,(exept for the speakers which I've had since '85.) The rest of the system is a rotel 991 cdp, and A/D/S L1590 speakers( from the Mike Kelly era, with 2 10" woofers, silk dome mids & highs, ). For cables, H-T truthlink from cdp, van den hul "the second " to the amp, and MIT T-2 speaker cables.I'm pretty happy with the sound, but it needs more body, the cables helped, as did speaker position and I added spikes, but I was going to try an inexpensive amp to try, just to see if that is what I should change first.I want to move up to that next level of sound, and realize it will have to be a little at a time, budget wise so I really appreciate your input,if you think that it would be a waste to try an amp just to see the difference, I'll trust your experienced opinions. If you all think that a real good tube amp is what I need I'll try one of the above, but I would hate to spend $2-3000 on an amp,and find I should have done speakers first. Maybe I just need a sub, the room is big (22 x 28 x 10). thanks for your help, sorry for the long post.
Put your money toward the Unico from Unison Research. 80 wpc integrated amp with a tube front end and MOSFET outputs. The sound is phenomenal for the money and the retail price is under 1300.00 (though soon to go up after all the great reviews). I have Mullard tube upgrades in it and I'm driving a pair of Merlin VSM-Ms - the sound is superb.