Erik Y U Gotta Hate!

Erik I don't understand why U Gotta HatePass Labs. I purchased a couple of 260.8 Monoblocks and have never been happier!
No tube BS   my system is far from perfect
But I have enjoyed it immensely with dare I say Pass Labs in it.
Happy Listening


I also have 260.8's and I love them. They replaced a ML333, a ML23.5 and a Bedini 100/100 before them (still have them all in different systems and can plug and play anytime, but choose not to).

As I have for years tempered the ss sound with a tube pre I have vet to have any of them be a disappointed. Each step up in amps meant a step up in a tube pre. I current mix the Pass with a ARC 5se and it is as dynamic and as musical as I could want. My speakers are a not exactly main stream but they mate very well with the equipment I am running, which is very fortunate as I have no upgrade fever for speakers.

There might there be better out there, perhaps, but this hobby is for personal satisfaction only, what everyone else think does not even move the needle for me.

Enjoy what you have, until you don't...

For a hobby that craves pure sound , this place produces a lot of noise. Be nice if there were more facts to be shared , rather than strongly arguing opinion. 
To the couple Eric lovers, you must be blind, just look at his history of starting anti Pass Labs threads.


This is slander, as others have replied to you, my Pass threads were quite neutral and I took no position other than to ask questions and get specific insight. Your brown stained glasses are the only reason you see this.

Please also point out a single place where I’ve told some one their hearing was wrong. Your practice of telling those who like certain amplifiers or types of amplifiers that their hearing must be off, or that measurements matter more than personal taste is a profound lack of respect for others and no one should take you seriously after that.

Point me to a single post where I’ve told someone that buying Pass was a mistake, or that their products were inadequate in their manufacture or design. Those posts don’t exist. .

To others:
You are right, what I like or don’t doesn’t really matter. Don’t reply to what you aren’t interested in. What I am interested in is secret sauces and whether we can measure them. Because that is fun.

Pass said he’s adding distortion to his products. Stereophile just measured it. I think that’s cool to dissect. If you get all butt hurt over that I don’t know what to tell you.  Pass is one of the most successful audio product makers in history, if he says he's got a secret sauce and you think he's onto something you should be incredibly curious as to what it is and how it measures.
