Esco cantilever/stylus mods for Zu Denon 103R

I've just learned of this mod a few minutes ago, but I haven't been able to turn up any info as to where and how to acquire this service.

Appreciate the help, thanks, regards,
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Hdm, really finding the ESCCo modded Zu 103 is giving me a great sound. As per your advice I'll try and dial VTF in a bit further. It DEFINITELY excels at 2.5 v 2.0. I know quite a few advise c.2.25. More endless OCD. Thank Heavens the end result is really proving worth it in my system.
My area of investigation is whether it's possible to have the tonality and dynamics of a cart like this with the transparency and detail retrieval of more forensic carts like my previous fave, the Transfiguration Orpheus. Fascinatingly, at the moment, barring detail retrieval, the Orpheus can't hold a candle to the ESCCo Zu 103.
The only cart I like more than the Zu 103 is the much missed Lyra Parnassus, this seemed to have the best balamce of all. Investigating the Soundsmith Straingauge to see if it can replicate these traits.
Spirit: Until you have about 25-30 hours on the new stylus I wouldn't get too hung up about really dialling things in as there is IMO a definite break in period.

I have no experience with the stock 103; all of mine is with the 103R which by most accounts is a slightly more detailed cartridge. I agree with your comments on balance. I'd never describe myself as a real detail freak and I've heard some very pricey high end cartridges that do detail exceptionally well but just sound less like real music to me. When you consider that you can do an aluminum bodied, potted and retipped 103R for around $650-$700, it is IMO a serious bargain; I have no desire to buy other cartridges.

I think you can run a retipped Denon at the lower VTF without gross mistracking, unlike the stock conical, but it has never sounded right to me, especially once you get into the 2.2-2.3 range it just becomes grossly Hi-Fi-ish for me in my setup and loses most of what makes the cartridge so appealing.

You might also experiment with your anti-skate settings. I find that the line contact stylus requires less in the way of anti-skate. Tracking at around 2.45 to 2.47, I have antiskate set to 1 on my dial.
Hdm, you're absolutely right. I'm approaching the 35 hour point, and changes to settings are settling nicely. Gone from VTF 2.0 (too floaty) to 2.5 (too leaden) to 2.25 (too right). OCD is being rewarded!
Glad you're having fun. I should mention that I am in what is a cooler climate (Southwestern Ontario, Canada); it's about -15 Celsius outside here right now and I have the furnace set around 20 C inside.

I can lower VTF a bit in the warmer, more humid weather, maybe into the 2.425 range. But at this time of year I have to be above the 2.45 mark but definitely below 2.5.

Doesn't matter what time of year or temperature though: anything that starts with 2.3 (or lower) regardless of how high in that range it is just doesn't cut it here but everyone's setup is a bit different.
Gosh, the ESCCo Zu 103 is changing character, literally every time I listen to it, and all GOOD! I'm settling on 2.45 VTF. What's fascinating is that what to all intents and purposes would never be described as a 'neutral' cartidge, is proving to be BOTH more even handed AND exciting than ostensibly more neutral carts like the Transfiguration Orpheus.
With the exception of a smidgeon less detail retrieval and soundstaging than the Orpheus (even this a close call), the ESCCo Zu 103 walks all over the 4x pricier and more celebrated Orpheus in tonality, dynamics, PRaT, and sheer involvement/excitement.
Each day I'm literally getting a degree more sophistication, transparency and neutrality, with all the 'color' that the stock Zu 103 is capable of.
My only comparison soon will be with the Soundsmith Straingauge, and this will have to be such a persuasive performer to tempt me away from what I believe to be a cart that is letting me 'have it all'.