
Responses from hdm

Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Google is your friend:   https://verafiaudiollc.com/products/vibration-black-hole   Which Ali-E vibration control devices were you using tweak1?    
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
Alightronics:   How would you describe the difference(s) between the EL 34 UK (currently using) and the new Horizon EL 34's? Thanks in advance.   
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords
Quite the wild thread here. Lots of armchair quarterbacks and experts. Telling the OP he can't hear, his system is junk, it's set up improperly, etc. etc.  Don't get me wrong here: I am definitely not in the "cables make no difference" camp. Quit... 
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Nasaman:  Just be honest about what they are and sell them on. It would be no different than selling an imitation watch or handbag. Just clearly identify what they actually are.  
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Thyname:   https://www.underwoodhifi.com/products/valiant   vs.    https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002703438580.html?algo_pvid=50339fa4-c047-49f7-96f9-1887b596a6ce&algo_exp_id=50339fa4-c047-49f7-96f9-1887b596a6ce-7&pdp_npi=4%40di... 
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
@westcoastaudiophile   Both the Viborg and "Accuphase" Chinese power cables I have in use here have very high construction quality relative to other non-Chinese brands I've used. Both use screw down connections at male and IEC end and, as I cryo t... 
MONO Cartridge Stylus Shape: WHAT? WHEN?
Put your modified AT on. I am confident that you'll be very pleased and its performance will be exemplary on almost all your mono records.  I had Steve put a Namiki boron cantilever with MR stylus on an AT 33 Mono a few years ago-it is a fabulous... 
This e-mail has been cryogenically treated
I've been cryogenically treating pretty much all my cables, receptacles, etc. for about 20 years at Bayson Heat Treating in London, Canada. Take Five Audio used to have all their stuff done there (they acquired their own unit a number of years ago... 
Revisiting Chinese Knockoff Cables
Yes, Odin Gold IC's are really quite good-can only imagine someone being disappointed with them if they have an overly warm system to start off with. I sold off much more expensive IC's (as in 7X-8X more expensive) and also preferred them to real ... 
I mentioned upthread that I had an Accuphase 40th Anniversary coming from Aliexpress a few months ago and now can comment on that cable. I ended up ordering one initially which I put on a subwoofer and a CD transport to good effect.    Ended up ... 
Budget re-cabling
I’ll third (or fourth, or whatever) the Mogami 3103. No need to even spend $5 ft. when you can spend under $3. Get it cryoed and it's even better.  Better than Kimber 8TC in my book (sold a bunch of it that I’d used for years after experimenting... 
@musiclover1 and  ​​​​@mbolek    Yes. Viborg 1501 (I am partial to the 1501 terminated in the top of line Viborg male and IEC copper plugs-VM/VF 502 or 512's and have those in use in my system) with the top of line Viborg connectors is a seriou... 
The Aliexpress Accuphase clone is getting a lot of buzz online currently and is available at around $30 U.S. I have one on the way for a bit of fun and will report back after I put it through its paces. It will replace a DIY using basic Viborg co... 
Phono Pre Gain
KAB calculator actually shows 64 db to be dead on ideal for that cartridge and it has always been a pretty good benchmark for me in the past. Most cartridges also have higher output than spec'd in real life.    I'd bet that 64 might sound better... 
Current sensing phono stages w/Rega?
May depend on what the actual fixed impedance is on the specific phono preamp. I believe my Aqvox is actually 10 ohms but the BMC, also designed by Carlos Candeias, is 3 or 4 ohms. I use a SAEC C1 (40 ohms internal impedance and .4 mV output) an...