Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks
I would like to attempt to answer the question posted by Rgs92. I believe that a good audio component should not only be transparent and accurate but also capable of providing a complete representation of the music recorded (redbook or SACD); so we will be provided with a "warm" sound which is different from "coloration". The K03 fails to achieve that while the X03SE does it but not as detailed as the K01. If you do a blind test to remove as much bias as possible (that you may have acquired based on previous impressions or because you like some line of products) and compare these 3 players while listening Ana Caram (Rio after Dark Album - 4th track) you very likely agree and understand my statement. Poorly mastered CD's sound like they are: " poor", not improved. Tks. Cat007
Hey Cat007, thanks for that very insightful answer that really answered my question well. Good writing! Best to you.
Anybody compared the Esoteric K-01 to the Burmester 089 yet ? Feedback would be appreciated.
I listened to K-01 extensively at RMAF 2011... While it is rather difficult for me to contrast K-01 with my own X-01 Limited, without having both in the same system, K-01 was A/B/C/Ded against several lower end Esoteric players in the suite, with audible results commensurate with a good fraction of the respective price differences.

The benefit of controlling K-01 through a G-0Rb clock was not at all a subtle affair... The audible result was rather obvious to me, as well as to all listeners I queried on the subject.

I left RMAF intrigued enough that I intend to audition K-01 in my own system one way or another before too long.

Harv, it was absolutely fabulous finally meeting you!

Guido - it was my pleasure to finally meet you as well!

I also spent a fair amount of time listening to the K-01 at RMAF and came away very impressed, as I had a hunch I might. The ability to nuance the sound with the different filters as well as the ability to play SACD in native DSD were 2 areas that my current NWO-M does not possess. The ability to be able to select these as needed or desired is a good selling point, IMHO. I am now more curious how the K-01 will sound in my system, although not to the point of trying it yet. Going from a single box solution back to 2 boxes doesn't feel like "simplifying" to me, even though I still have my Esoteric rubidium clock and digital cabling. :-)