Esoteric P03 - D03

Hi all,

I currently own an Esoteric X01-D2. I'v recently been offered a very good! deal from my dealer to trade this for a stock P03-D03 distributor wants to get out. I was no expected as I was really shopping for an analog extension to my system. So I have accepted.

I was very happy with my X01, although I think it was actually better (in relative terms) with red book CDs than with SACDs, contrary to what magazines say. However, given I'm basically buying at second hand price for a new unit, and returning the X01 at a very good price, I decided to go ahead.

AS said I was happy with the X01-D2. Reasons for change, basically 2: Flexibility of a separates, specially allowing me to use DACs digital input with my streaming mod transporter, if desired. It can also handle higher saple downloads than the transporters DAC.

Of course, a gain in overall quality. Specially when it comes to SACDs, but also to CDs, given the D03-P03 working together flexibility and configuration alternatives. I've read a lot about how good this 2 together are, but have not had any direct feedback.

Regarding this last point, a question: I've been told by my dealer that Esoteric importer says the best way to connect these 2 is new Esoteric i-link cable. I don't think I want to go this way, but have no experience. Not only the cable has to be very expensive... but from reading the manual, digital XLR seems the way to go. I-link seems to be more oriented to multichannel, which I don't really care for in this se up. Any suggestions? How are you, other P03-D03 owners doing this connections and what are your experiences on it? Also, any direct experience among these 2 units. What areas of improvement should I expect, in your own experience, compared to the X01-D2?

Eli, you should consider asking best way to connect D-03/P-03 directly to Esoteric (TEAC America). Call Tim Crable at 323) 726-0303.

May I ask what settings you were using for your redbooks and SACDs on D2?. . . e.g. oversampling to DSD for redbooks?

BTW, performance of P-03/D-03 will further benefit from the application of an external clock. . . G-0Rb being the most advanced in the Esoteric lineup. G.

I own the P03/D03 combo and in my opinion, the best way to connect them is via the Dual AES/EBU digital connection. This allows you the flexibility to up convert redbook CD to 88.2, 176.4 or to DSD as well as play SACD's. In my listening tests, I prefer the up conversion to DSD for redbook. If you use the ilink Firewire connection, you can only send the D03 native redbook (16/44.1) and DSD from an SACD as the ilink connection bypasses the upconverter circuit in the P03.
I concur with Babybear. When I owned the P03D03 I preferred dual XLR cables. I would also experiment with the upsampling (176.4 or to DSD) to see what you think. I am actually going in the other direction and will try the X-01D2 to save space in my rack.

A rubidium clock will make a change to the sound, subtle, seems to be a bit rounder and fuller but not worth the asking price unless you find a great deal (I ran mine with a laboratory grade rubidium clock instrument rather than the Esoteric version).